【心理系演講】4/11(二) 王昭智教授演講 報名開跑囉!
講者:王昭智 助理教授
主題:Holistic Processing in Perceptual, Post-perceptual and Memory Stages of Face Recognition
時間:2017年4月11日(二) 13:00-15:00
Holistic processing is a distinct human ability for face recognition. It is also a key point for understanding the differences between face processing and object processing. Whether holistic processing is a result of nature (prenatal inheritance) versus nurture (postnatal experiences) is a contentiously debated issue. Two hypotheses, namely domain-specificity hypothesis and expertise hypothesis, have been posited to reflect the two positions. Despite their fundamental differences in explaining the origin of holistic processing, the two hypotheses have failed to answer other important questions. First, most studies to date have focused on post-perceptual and memory stages of holistic processing, rather perceptual stage, and it is argued in this review that we could not understand differences of the two hypotheses in terms of perceptual processing. Second, oftentimes readers are confused by terminologies used in various studies, and it is necessary and important to clarify the specific terms and their meanings. Finally, the merits of the two hypotheses should be evaluated in terms of how they were supported by evidence accrued from converging methodology including behavioral, brain-imaging, and neuropsychological studies.
*本次講座教師成長點數申請已通過:類型-研究成長 一點 !