

吳進欽 Chin-Chin Wu



  • 研究室位置:CS828
  • 校內分機:(07)312-1101 ext.2194 #832
  • 電子信箱:jinnchin@kmu.edu.tw




  • 嘉義基督教醫院兼職臨床心理師
  • 國立中正大學學生輔導中心兼任輔導老師
  • 大葉大學兼任心理學講師
  • 灣橋榮民醫院臨床心理師
  • 台北市少年輔導委員會輔導員
  • 泓安醫院臨床心理師







  1. Chin-Chin Wu, Chung-Hsin Chiang*, Yuh-Ming Hou, Ching-Lin Chu & Jiun-Horng Liu (in press). Utility of the Taiwan version of the Screening Tool for Autism in Two-Year-Olds to detect autism in children aged three years. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability (SSCI)
  2. Yuh-Ming Hou, Lydia Stewart, Lai-Sang Iao, & Chin-Chin Wu*. (2018). Parenting stress and depressive symptoms in Taiwanese mothers of young children with autism spectrum disorder: Association with children’s behavioural problems. Journal of Allied Research in Intellectual Disability, 31, 1113-1121. (SSCI).
  3. Yi-Shan Wong, Ching-Chi Yang, Lydia Stewart, Chung-Hsin Chiang, Chin-Chin Wu*, & Lai-Sang Iao (2018). Use of the Chinese version modified checklist for autism in toddlers in a high-risk sample in Taiwan. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 49, 56-64. (SSCI)
  4. Ching-Lin Chu, Chung-Hsin Chiang*, Chin-Chin Wu, Yuh-Ming Hou, & Jiun-Horng Liu (2017). Service system and cognitive outcomes for young children with autism spectrum disorders in a rural area of Taiwan. Autism, 21, 5, 581-591. (SSCI)
  5. Sih-Jhen Chen, & Chin-Chin Wu* (2017). The mediation of coping behaviors in the relationships between parenting stress and depression, hopelessness, and quality of life among mothers of preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Education & Psychology, 40, 4, 63-90. (in Chinese)TSSCI
  6. Chin-Chin Wu*, & Lifa Yu (2017). Correlates of parenting stress in mothers of young children with autism spectrum disorder before age 4: Behavior problems and autistic symptoms. Journal of Education & Psychology, 40, 2, 31-60. (in Chinese)TSSCI
  7. Chin-Chin Wu, Ching-Lin Chu , & Yuh-Ming Hou*. Early detection of toddlers with autism spectrum disorder before age two: An 18 month follow-up. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 29, 4, 327-356. (in Chinese)TSSCI
  8. Yu-Han Lee, Chin-Chin Wu*, & Yen-Che Lee (2016). The relationships among joint attention, language abilities, mental abilities, adaptive functioning, and autistic symptoms in young children with autism spectrum disorder. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 29, 3, 227-259. (in Chinese)TSSCI
  9. Yen-Che Lee, Chin-Chin Wu*, & Yu-Han Lee (2016). Correlates of language abilities in young children with autism spectrum disorders Joint attention and imitation. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 58, 3187-206. (in Chinese)TSSCI
  10. Chin-Chin Wu, Yuh-Ming Hou, Ching-Lin Chu*, & Lee Yu-Han (2015). Combining information from multiple sources to screen children with autism spectrum disorders under the age of 3 years. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 28, 4, 605-630. (in Chinese)TSSCI
  11. Rong-Di Lin, Chin-Chin Wu*, Chung-Hsin Chiang, Wen-Jiun Chou, & Yuh-Ming Hou (2015). The performances and correlates of imitation in children with autism spectrum disorders. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 57, 1, 45-66. (in Chinese)TSSCI
  12. Chin-Chin Wu, Ching-Lin Chu, Yuh-Ming Hou*, &Tzu-Ling, & Chiang Chung-Hsin (2014). Validation of “the screening tool for autism in two-year-olds Taiwan version (T-STAT)” in children aged 18 and 24 months. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 27,4, 621-644. (in Chinese)TSSCI
  13. Chin-Chin Wu*, Ching-Lin Chu, Yuh-Ming Hou, & Shu-Fen Yao (2014).Validity of the Clancy Behavior Scale for Detecting Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children Younger than 4 Years Old. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 27, 1, 131-161. (in Chinese)TSSCI
  14. Chin-Chin Wu, Chung-Hsin Chiang*. (2014). The Developmental Sequence of Social-Communicative Skills in Young Children with Autism: A Longitudinal Study. Autism, 18, 4, 385-392.SSCI
  15. Chin-Chin Wu, Chung-Hsin Chiang*, Yuh-Ming Hou, Jiun-Horng Liu, Ching-Lin Chu, &Wei-Tsuen Soong (2014). Using the Childhood Autism Rating Scale to Diagnose Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Education & Psychology, 37, 1, 37-59.(in Chinese)TSSCI
  16. Chin-Chin Wu, Chung-Hsin Chiang, &Yuh-Ming Hou (2012).Screening Tools for Infants under Two Years Old with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Literature Review. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 24, 549-568. (in Chinese)TSSCI
  17. Chung-Hsin Chiang*, Chin-Chin Wu, Yuh-Ming Hou, Ching-Lin Chu, Jiun-Horng Liu, & Wei-Tsuen Soong. (2013). Development of T-STAT for Early Autism Screening. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43, 5, 1028-1037. (SSCI
  18. Ching-Lin Chu, Yi-Shan Huang, Chung-Hsin Chiang, Chin-Chin Wu, & Yuh-Ming Hou (2012). Relating Cognitive Competence and Diagnostic Severity to Adaptive Behavior Profiles in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 54, 349-364. (in Chinese)TSSCI
  19. Chin-Chin Wu, Chung-Hsin Chiang*, Yuh-Ming Hou, Jiun-Horng Liu, & Ching-Lin Chu (2012). Using the T-STAT to Assess Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Education & Psychology, 35, 81-98. (in Chinese)(TSSCI)
  20. Chung-Hsin Chiang, Chin-Chin Wu, Jiun-Horng Liu, &Yuh-Ming Hou* (2012). Development of a Screening Tool for Autism in Two-Year-Olds, Taiwan Version (T-STAT): A Preliminary Study. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 25, 135-154. (in Chinese)(TSSCI)
  21. Chung-Hsin Chiang, & Chin-Chin Wu (2012). Exploration into the Psychopathology Research on Young Children with Autism. Research in Applied Psychology, 52, 16- 19. (in Chinese)
  22. Chin-Chin Wu, & Chung-Hsin Chiang*(2011). The Performance on Standardized Developmental Scale in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Research in Applied Psychology, 51, 15- 40. (in Chinese)
  23. Chin-Chin Wu, Chung-Hsin Chiang*, &Yuh-Ming Hou (2011). A Two Time Point Study of Imitative Abilities in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 24, 39-49. (SSCI)
  24. Chin-Chin Wu, Chung-Hsin Chiang, &Yen-Ting Yu (2010).Social Attention in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 52, 57-74.(in Chinese) (SSCI)
  25. Chin-Chin Wu, Chung-Hsin Chiang*, Yuh-Ming Hou & Jiun-Horng Liu (2009). Developmental Profiles in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 22, 01-25.(in Chinese) (TSSCI)
  26. Hui-Ju Chiang, Chung-Hsin Chiang & Yuh-Ming Hou (2008). Vocabulary Development in Pre-term Toddlers. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 21, 407- 440. (in Chinese) (TSSCI)
  27. Chung-Hsin Chiang, Chin-Chin, Wu, & Chi-Hua Lee (2006). Symbolic Play in Children with Autism: A Longitudinal Study. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 48, 255-273. (in Chinese) (TSSCI)
  28. Chin-Chin, Wu & Chung-Hsin Chiang (2005). Cognitive Competence in Young Children with Autism. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, No.2, pp.217-218. (SSCI)
  29. Chung-Hsin Chiang, Chin-Chin, Wu, & Chi-Hua Lee (2005). Early Social Communication and Cognitive Abilities in Young Children with Autism. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, No.2, pp.205. (SSCI)
  30. Chin-Chin Wu, Chung-Hsin Chiang, &Yuh-Ming Hou (2005). Immediate and Deferred Imitation in Children with Autism. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 18, 01-24. (in Chinese) (TSSCI)
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