

王瑋瀚 Wei-Han Wang





校內分機:(07)312-1101  ext.2194#833

E-mail: whwang@kmu.edu.tw













  • 中山醫學大學心理學系專任助理教授
  • 台北榮民總醫院神經醫學中心癲癇科臨床心理師
  • 高雄醫學大學心理學研究所兼任助理教授
  • 臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院神經內科臨床實習督導心理師
  • 臺灣大學心理學系助教
  • 中山醫學大學附設台中復健醫院復健科臨床心理師/組長











(1) 了解臨床神經心理學定義、範疇及其應用

(2) 具備探討神經心理功能之基本知識與全面性的應用概念

(3) 將所學應用並貢獻於臨床實務工作



  • 台灣臨床心理學會
  • 台灣腦心智發展與心理復健學會
  • 國際神經心理學會(International Neuropsychological Society)



1. Lin, Y.H., Hsin, Y.L., Li, R.H., Liu, C.K., Wang, R.Y., Wang, Wei-Han*. (2022). The effect of facial expression intensity on emotion recognition and psychosocial performance in patients with frontal or temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior,126:108462. (SCI; Impact Factor = 2.937; Ranking in Behavioral Sciences: 26/53; *Correspondence). Published online: December 09, 2021 / DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.108462

2. Lee, C.Y., Wang, Wei-Han, Lee, C.H., Ho, M.C. (2022). Betel Quid Dependence Effects on Working Memory and Remote Memory in Chewers with Concurrent Use of Cigarette and Alcohol. Substance Use & Misuse, 57(1), 105-113. (SSCI / Impact Factor = 2.164; Ranking: 53/77 in Psychology). Published online: October 22, 2021 / DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2021.1990338

3. Liu, C.H., Liao, W.C., Li, H.H., Tseng, L.H., Wang, Wei-Han, Tung, H., Lin, P.J., Jao, H.T., Liu, W.Y., Hung, C.S., Lin, C.L., Ho, Y.J. (2021). Treatment with the combination of clavulanic acid and valproic acid led to recovery of neuronal and behavioral deficits in an epilepsy rat model. Fundamental & clinical pharmacology, 35(6),1032-1044. (SCIE / Impact Factor = 1.265; Ranking: 93/181 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy). DOI: 10.1111/fcp.12729

4. 洪菁穗、陳安芝、董欣、王瑋瀚、何應瑞(民110)。調節麩胺酸轉運蛋白於治療癲癇及其認知缺陷的可能效果-以頭孢曲松為例。北市醫學雜誌。

5. 洪菁穗、王瑋瀚、董欣、戴春暉、何應瑞(民110)。治療癲癇的另類思維:併用克拉維酸與丙戊酸。臨床醫學,88(1),463-468。

6. Li, H.H., Lin, P.J., Wang, Wei-Han, Tseng, L.H., Tung, H., Liu, W.Y., Lin, C.L., Liu, C.H., Liao, W.C., Hung, C.S., Ho. Y.J. (2021). Treatment effects of the combination of ceftriaxone and valproic acid on neuronal and behavioural functions in a rat model of epilepsy. Experimental Physiology, 106, 1814–1828. (SCIE / Impact Factor = 2.969; Ranking: 38/81 in Physiology). DOI: 10.1113/EP089624

7. Lin, P.T., Yu, H.Y., Lu, Y.J., Wang, Wei-Han, Chou, C.C., Hsu, S.P.C., Lin, C.F., Lee, C.C. (2020). Social functioning and health-related quality of life trajectories in people with epilepsy after epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy & Behavior, 103(pt A):106849. (SCI / Impact Factor = 2.378; Ranking: 78/360 in Clinical Neurology)

8. Kang, H.L., Chen, Vincent C.H., Hung, W.L., Hsiao, H.P., Wang, Wei-Han*. (2019). Preliminary Comparison of Neuropsychological Peformance in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Chemotherapy or Targeted Therapy. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 15, 753-761. (SCI / Impact Factor = 2.228; *Correspondence)

9. Wang, Wei-Han, Shih, Y.H., Yu, H.Y., Yen, D.J., Lin, Y.Y., Kwan, S.Y., Chen, C., Hua, M.S. (2015) Theory of Mind and Social Functioning in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Epilepsia, 56(7), 1117-1123. (SCI / Impact Factor = 4.571; Ranking: 24/192 in Clinical Neurology)

10. Wang, Wei-Han, Yu, H.Y., Hua, M.S. (2015). Theory of Mind and Its Brain Distribution in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. International Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering, 9(5), 384-387.

11. Wang, Wei-Han, Yu, H.Y., Yen, D.J., Lin, Y.Y., Kwan, S.Y., Chen, C., Hua, M.S. (2013). The Social and Occupational Functioning Scale for Epilepsy (SOFSE): A brief measure of functional status in a Taiwanese sample with epilepsy. Epilepsia, 54(5), 888-897. (SCI; Impact Factor = 3.909; Ranking in Clinical Neurology: 33/193)

12. Yang, C.C., Kao, C.J., Cheng, T.W., Yang, C.C., Wang, Wei-Han, Yu, R.L., Hsu, Y.H., Hua, M.S. (2012). Cross-cultural Effect on Suboptimal Effort Detection: An Example of the Digit Span Subtest of the WAIS-III in Taiwan. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 27(8), 869-878. (SCI; Impact Factor = 2.0; Ranking in Psychology: 37/75)

13. Wang, Wei-Han, Liou, H.H., Chen, C.C., Chiu, M.J., Chen, T.F., Cheng, T.W., Hua, M.S. (2011). Neuropsychological performance and seizure-related risk factors in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: A retrospective cross-sectional study. Epilepsy & Behavior, 22, 728-734. (SCI; Impact Factor = 2.335; Ranking in Clinical Neurology: 85/192)

14. 花茂棽、楊啟正、王瑋瀚、余睿羚、楊政璋、徐晏萱、邱建業(民100)。神經心理在腦與心智醫學的應用。台灣醫學,15, 391-397。

15. Su, I.C., Yang, C.C., Wang, Wei-Han, Lee, J.E., Tu, Y.K., Wang, K.C. (2008). Acute cerebral ischemia following intraventricular hemorrhage in moyamoya disease: early perfusion computed tomography findings. Journal of Neurosurgery, 109, 1049-1051. (SCI; Impact Factor = 2.124; Ranking in Clinical Neurology: 75/156)

16. Wang, Wei-Han, Hua, M.S., Yang, C.C., Chu, Y.C., Cheng, T.W., Yip, P.K., Chiu, M.C., Chen, T.F., Huang, S.J., Chen, H.T., Hsu, W.C. (2008). The Clinical Applicability of the Arithmetic, Digit Span Subtests of the Taiwan WAIS-III, and their Composite in Reflecting the Working Memory Index: A Retrospective Study。Chinese Journal of Psychology, 50, 187-199. (TSSCI)

17. 楊啟正、王瑋瀚、黃勝堅、花茂棽*(民95)。中重度頭部創傷後之神經認知功能障礙。臨床心理學刊,3,68-75。(*為通訊作者)

18. 王瑋瀚、單延愷、劉娟里、洪百姿、蘇東平(民93)。臉孔記憶測驗之跨種族效應探究-以WMS-III為例。臨床心理學刊,1(2),107-112。




1. 額葉與顳葉癲癇病人的情緒辨識、心智理論與社會功能研究 (MOST 108-2410-H-040-003,執行中)  ,計畫主持人 - 2019/08/01~2020/12/31

2. 多模式神經生理與神經影像整合分析癲癇患者之腦功能網路 (MOST 108-2221-E-040 -005,執行中) ,共同主持人 - 2019/08/01~2020/07/31

3. 調節麩胺酸轉運蛋白於治療癲癇及其認知功能之效果 (MOST 108-2410-H-040 -002 -MY2,執行中),共同主持人 - 2019/08/01~2021/07/31

4. 顳葉癲癇手術病患之心智推理、神經心理功能、與社會功能追蹤研究 (MOST 105-2410-H-040 -015,已結案),計畫主持人 - 2016/07/01~2017/12/31

5. 顳葉癲癇手術治療病人之社會功能追蹤研究 (MOST 104-2314-B-075 -012,已結案),協同研究人員 - 2015/08至2016/07

6. 額葉與顳葉癲癇病人的知感能力研究 (MOST 103-2314-B-075-082,已結案),協同研究人員 - 2014/08至2015/07

7. 顳葉癲癇患者神經心理暨社會功能探究 (已結案),臺北榮民總醫院 協同研究人員 - 2012/03至2013/03



1. 從認知儲備探討顳葉癲癇術後患者之神經心理功能變化,科技部 (108CFD2500075),指導學生:王品絜

2. 失智症合併精神行為症狀(BPSD)之照顧者的精神問題研究,科技部 (107CFD2500062),指導學生:林哲緯

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