Wei-Han Wang

Assistant Professor



Office: CS823

Tel: (07)312-1101  ext.2194#833

E-mail: whwang@kmu.edu.tw



Ph.D., Clinical Psychology Unit, Graduate School of Psychology, National Taiwan University (major in clinical neuropsychology)


Current Position

Supervisor, Taiwan Association of Neuropsychological Development and Mental Rehabilitation

Part-time Research Fellow, Department of Clinical Medicine Research, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital



Clinical Psychologist License (ID No. 000378)


Professional experiences

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Chung-Shan Medical University

Clinical Psychologist, Department of Epilepsy, Center for Neurology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute of Psychology, Kaohsiung Medical University

Supervising Clinical Psychologist, Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University School of Medicine Hospital

Teaching assistant, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University

Clinical psychologist/group leader, Department of Rehabilitation, Taichung Rehabilitation Hospital, Chung-Shan Medical University



Clinical Neuropsychology, Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment, Neuropsychology of Epilepsy



Our research laboratory focuses on the neural basis of cognition and behavior and analyzes the cognitive and behavioral deviations caused by brain lesions through clinical cases and experimental psychology. Through teaching and practical research training, students are expected to.

(1) understand the definition, scope, and application of clinical neuropsychology

(2) have a basic knowledge of neuropsychological functioning and a comprehensive application of concepts

(3) apply and contribute their knowledge to clinical practice


Participating societies

Taiwan Association of Clinical Psychology

Taiwan Association of Neuropsychological Development and Mental Rehabilitation

International Neuropsychological Society



1. Lin, Y.H., Hsin, Y.L., Li, R.H., Liu, C.K., Wang, R.Y., Wang, Wei-Han*. (2022). The effect of facial expression intensity on emotion recognition and psychosocial performance in patients with frontal or temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior,126:108462. (SCI; Impact Factor = 2.937; Ranking in Behavioral Sciences: 26/53; *Correspondence). Published online: December 09, 2021 / DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.108462

2. Lee, C.Y., Wang, Wei-Han, Lee, C.H., Ho, M.C. (2022). Betel Quid Dependence Effects on Working Memory and Remote Memory in Chewers with Concurrent Use of Cigarette and Alcohol. Substance Use & Misuse, 57(1), 105-113. (SSCI / Impact Factor = 2.164; Ranking: 53/77 in Psychology). Published online: October 22, 2021 / DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2021.1990338

3. Liu, C.H., Liao, W.C., Li, H.H., Tseng, L.H., Wang, Wei-Han, Tung, H., Lin, P.J., Jao, H.T., Liu, W.Y., Hung, C.S., Lin, C.L., Ho, Y.J. (2021). Treatment with the combination of clavulanic acid and valproic acid led to recovery of neuronal and behavioral deficits in an epilepsy rat model. Fundamental & clinical pharmacology, 35(6),1032-1044. (SCIE / Impact Factor = 1.265; Ranking: 93/181 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy). DOI: 10.1111/fcp.12729

4. 洪菁穗、陳安芝、董欣、王瑋瀚、何應瑞(民110)。調節麩胺酸轉運蛋白於治療癲癇及其認知缺陷的可能效果-以頭孢曲松為例。北市醫學雜誌。

5. 洪菁穗、王瑋瀚、董欣、戴春暉、何應瑞(民110)。治療癲癇的另類思維:併用克拉維酸與丙戊酸。臨床醫學,88(1),463-468。

6. Li, H.H., Lin, P.J., Wang, Wei-Han, Tseng, L.H., Tung, H., Liu, W.Y., Lin, C.L., Liu, C.H., Liao, W.C., Hung, C.S., Ho. Y.J. (2021). Treatment effects of the combination of ceftriaxone and valproic acid on neuronal and behavioural functions in a rat model of epilepsy. Experimental Physiology, 106, 1814–1828. (SCIE / Impact Factor = 2.969; Ranking: 38/81 in Physiology). DOI: 10.1113/EP089624

7. Lin, P.T., Yu, H.Y., Lu, Y.J., Wang, Wei-Han, Chou, C.C., Hsu, S.P.C., Lin, C.F., Lee, C.C. (2020). Social functioning and health-related quality of life trajectories in people with epilepsy after epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy & Behavior, 103(pt A):106849. (SCI / Impact Factor = 2.378; Ranking: 78/360 in Clinical Neurology)

8. Kang, H.L., Chen, Vincent C.H., Hung, W.L., Hsiao, H.P., Wang, Wei-Han*. (2019). Preliminary Comparison of Neuropsychological Peformance in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Chemotherapy or Targeted Therapy. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 15, 753-761. (SCI / Impact Factor = 2.228; *Correspondence)

9. Wang, Wei-Han, Shih, Y.H., Yu, H.Y., Yen, D.J., Lin, Y.Y., Kwan, S.Y., Chen, C., Hua, M.S. (2015) Theory of Mind and Social Functioning in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Epilepsia, 56(7), 1117-1123. (SCI / Impact Factor = 4.571; Ranking: 24/192 in Clinical Neurology)

10. Wang, Wei-Han, Yu, H.Y., Hua, M.S. (2015). Theory of Mind and Its Brain Distribution in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. International Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering, 9(5), 384-387.

11. Wang, Wei-Han, Yu, H.Y., Yen, D.J., Lin, Y.Y., Kwan, S.Y., Chen, C., Hua, M.S. (2013). The Social and Occupational Functioning Scale for Epilepsy (SOFSE): A brief measure of functional status in a Taiwanese sample with epilepsy. Epilepsia, 54(5), 888-897. (SCI; Impact Factor = 3.909; Ranking in Clinical Neurology: 33/193)

12. Yang, C.C., Kao, C.J., Cheng, T.W., Yang, C.C., Wang, Wei-Han, Yu, R.L., Hsu, Y.H., Hua, M.S. (2012). Cross-cultural Effect on Suboptimal Effort Detection: An Example of the Digit Span Subtest of the WAIS-III in Taiwan. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 27(8), 869-878. (SCI; Impact Factor = 2.0; Ranking in Psychology: 37/75)

13. Wang, Wei-Han, Liou, H.H., Chen, C.C., Chiu, M.J., Chen, T.F., Cheng, T.W., Hua, M.S. (2011). Neuropsychological performance and seizure-related risk factors in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: A retrospective cross-sectional study. Epilepsy & Behavior, 22, 728-734. (SCI; Impact Factor = 2.335; Ranking in Clinical Neurology: 85/192)

14. 花茂棽、楊啟正、王瑋瀚、余睿羚、楊政璋、徐晏萱、邱建業(民100)。神經心理在腦與心智醫學的應用。台灣醫學,15, 391-397。

15. Su, I.C., Yang, C.C., Wang, Wei-Han, Lee, J.E., Tu, Y.K., Wang, K.C. (2008). Acute cerebral ischemia following intraventricular hemorrhage in moyamoya disease: early perfusion computed tomography findings. Journal of Neurosurgery, 109, 1049-1051. (SCI; Impact Factor = 2.124; Ranking in Clinical Neurology: 75/156)

16. Wang, Wei-Han, Hua, M.S., Yang, C.C., Chu, Y.C., Cheng, T.W., Yip, P.K., Chiu, M.C., Chen, T.F., Huang, S.J., Chen, H.T., Hsu, W.C. (2008). The Clinical Applicability of the Arithmetic, Digit Span Subtests of the Taiwan WAIS-III, and their Composite in Reflecting the Working Memory Index: A Retrospective Study。Chinese Journal of Psychology, 50, 187-199. (TSSCI)

17. 楊啟正、王瑋瀚、黃勝堅、花茂棽*(民95)。中重度頭部創傷後之神經認知功能障礙。臨床心理學刊,3,68-75。(*為通訊作者)

18. 王瑋瀚、單延愷、劉娟里、洪百姿、蘇東平(民93)。臉孔記憶測驗之跨種族效應探究-以WMS-III為例。臨床心理學刊,1(2),107-112。




1. 額葉與顳葉癲癇病人的情緒辨識、心智理論與社會功能研究 (MOST 108-2410-H-040-003,執行中)  ,計畫主持人 - 2019/08/01~2020/12/31

2. 多模式神經生理與神經影像整合分析癲癇患者之腦功能網路 (MOST 108-2221-E-040 -005,執行中) ,共同主持人 - 2019/08/01~2020/07/31

3. 調節麩胺酸轉運蛋白於治療癲癇及其認知功能之效果 (MOST 108-2410-H-040 -002 -MY2,執行中),共同主持人 - 2019/08/01~2021/07/31

4. 顳葉癲癇手術病患之心智推理、神經心理功能、與社會功能追蹤研究 (MOST 105-2410-H-040 -015,已結案),計畫主持人 - 2016/07/01~2017/12/31

5. 顳葉癲癇手術治療病人之社會功能追蹤研究 (MOST 104-2314-B-075 -012,已結案),協同研究人員 - 2015/08至2016/07

6. 額葉與顳葉癲癇病人的知感能力研究 (MOST 103-2314-B-075-082,已結案),協同研究人員 - 2014/08至2015/07

7. 顳葉癲癇患者神經心理暨社會功能探究 (已結案),臺北榮民總醫院 協同研究人員 - 2012/03至2013/03



1. 從認知儲備探討顳葉癲癇術後患者之神經心理功能變化,科技部 (108CFD2500075),指導學生:王品絜

2. 失智症合併精神行為症狀(BPSD)之照顧者的精神問題研究,科技部 (107CFD2500062),指導學生:林哲緯

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